
Surface grinding machine

Year of manufacture
Product info

Machine number 176P001
Longitudinal travel 1.000 mm
Cross travel 600 mm
Distance between center of spindle to table 800 mm
Table load 1.000 kg
Spindle motor 15 kW


Optimized Structure
Precision Spindle Design
Turcite-B on Slideways
AC Servo Motor & M.P.G. Hand Wheel for Y & Z axes
Crossing Stroke Adjustment for X & Z axes
Stepless Variable Proportional Valve Hydraulic System for X axis
LCD touch screen panel (PLC controller) and Graphical HMI Interface
Grinding Mode: Surface, Crisscross, Plunge and Pitch grinding
Spindle motor inverter
Position Display for Y & Z axes
Coolant device with magnetic separator
Two additional grinding wheel flanges
Magnetic plate fine-pole
Semi Enclosed Splash Shield (Right side open)

All others accessories shown in the photos and video are not included in the scope of delivery, so they are not part of this sale. The scope of delivery only includes the accessories that are expressly listed here, in the offer, confirmation of order and invoice.

Equipment, Technical data and Installation plan – Illustration, content and data without liablity, therefore not binding – see “DOCUMENTATION”

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