
We also gladly advise and inform you personally

Are you interested or do you have specific questions about our portfolio? In this case you can reach us by phone at +49(0)921 9800 3635 or send an e-mail to info(at)

You can also subscribe to our newsletter on this page. We will keep you regularly informed by e-mail about selected machine types. You can also send us a message using the contact form – we will be glad to call you back after receiving your contact details.

Newsletter registration

    – I consent to the collection and processing of my data from the contact form for the purpose of responding to my inquiry. The data will be deleted after the processing of your request has been completed. I was able to take note of the privacy policy. The consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future. For this purpose please send a short mail to info(at) Please read the privacy policy for further information.*

    Contact us

      – I consent to the collection and processing of my data from the contact form for the purpose of responding to my inquiry. The data will be deleted after the processing of your request has been completed. I was able to take note of the privacy policy. The consent can be revoked at any time with effect for the future. For this purpose please send a short mail to info(at) Please read the privacy policy for further information.*
