
Our extensive range of service for you

Qualified purchase and sale of high-quality CNC cutting and non-cutting machine tools.

We provide consulting, planning as well as the complete organization and processing of new acquisitions, expansion or reduction of your production or in case of a complete business liquidation. When marketing your machine on the world market, our focus is also on achieving the best possible price for you. Our partner provide and advise in professional way all the phases of an disassembly and reassembly, loading and transport as well as for worldwide shipping of the machine.


FEBO Maschinenmontagen und Anlagenbau GmbH

General contractor for disassembly, reassembly, relocation as well as new assembly of machines and complete plants, forwarding services as well as maintenance and repair of production equipment, assembly of subassemblies in small series.

K+R Logistics GmbH

Logistics specialists for overseas shipments, land heavy transports, installation – dismantling of industrial machinery, seaworthy packing, containers stowage, storage, oil rig supply.

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