PFG 2550 AH

Surface grinding machine

Year of manufacture
Product info

Grinding area: 250 mm x 500 mm
Automatic depth infeed: 0,001 – 0,999 mm
Table clamping surface: 500 mm x 250 mm
Max. distance center spindle-table: 500 mm
Hydraulic table movement: 5 – 25 m/min.
Stepless cross feed: 0,1 – 12 mm
Grinding wheel speed: 2.900 rpm
Spindle drive power: 1 kW
Grinding wheel dimensions Ø: 200 x 20 x 31,75 mm
Machine dimension (LxWxH) ca.: 2.120 mm x 1.460 mm x 2000 mm
Weight ca.: 1.350 kg


Coolant system
Magnetic clamping plate 500 x 250 mm
Demagnetising device
Various grinding cycles can be selected via NC control
Automatic vertical feed
Rapid traverse in Z and Y axis
3 Grinding wheel flanges
5 Grinding wheel
Balancing scale
Balancing mandrel
Counter surface of slide coated with TURCITE B

All others accessories shown in the photos and videos are not included in the scope of delivery, so they are not part of this sale. The scope of delivery only includes the accessories that are expressly listed here, in the offer, confirmation of order and invoice.

Technical data and Equipment see “DOCUMENTATION”

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