4 axes vertical machining center

Year of manufacture
Product info

Machine number: 1062711
Travels: X – 406 mm / Y – 305 mm / Z – 254 mm
Spindle speed up to 6.000 rpm
Measurements (LxWxH): ca. 2.311 mm x 2.235 mm x 2.692 mm
Weight: ca. 1.542 kg
ca. 7.400 “machine on” hours


4. axis dividing head HRT 160SP
Tailstock HTS 5
Vector programming system
Synchronized tapping
Solid cast iron construction
Robust protective cladding made of sheet steel
Tool magazine 10-fold
AC servo motors for the axis drives
Vector double drive for the spindle by star connection
Blowing out spindle cone at each tool change
Coolant device with reinforced coolant pump
Release button for tool manually
Tool loading monitoring
Automatic lubrication system
HAAS CNC control according to DIN 66025 / FANUC similar
1 MB Part program memory
RS-232 interface
Installation elements
ca. 22 pieces tool holders SK40 DIN69871
User guide / Documentation
Machine parameters on USB flash drive
However without sine vice

All others accessories shown in the photos and videos are not included in the scope of delivery, so they are not part of this sale. The scope of delivery only includes the accessories that are expressly listed here, in the offer, confirmation of order and invoice.

Equipment and technical data – Illustration, content and information without liability, therefore not binding – see “DOCUMENTATION”.

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